Asian casino and gambling software developer, Entertainment Gaming Asia Inc., hit the Wall Street stock market this week under the ticket EGT. The trading will officially begin on December 31st, 2012.
EGT, one of the major Asian gambling corporations, makes casino games for the Chinese, Indian and southeastern Asian markets under the Dreamworld brand.
The company’s rapid expansion has allowed it to establish offices in the USA, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Cambodia and Australia. Chairman and CEO of EGT, Mrs. Clarence Chung, recently stated:
We are pleased to announce our listing on the NASDAQ Capital Market. We believe that the move to the NASDAQ will provide shareholders strong execution and improved potential liquidity through NASDAQ’s advanced trading technologies. Further, we believe that it will afford us greater visibility within the investment community, facilitating new opportunities to expand our institutional shareholder base. We are proud to join the impressive list of gaming companies already traded on the NASDAQ exchange.
With a strong focus on the Australian and Macao markets, EGT will concentrate on gambling software development as well as becoming a leading supplier of RFIDs (Radio Frequency Identification Devices used in most casinos) and traditional playing chips and plaques.