250 Free of Charge from the ComeOn! Team

250 Free of Charge from the ComeOn! Team

If the Christmas season has left a sort of dry feeling on your wallet, then pump it up by heading on to ComeOn! Casino and getting into their 250 cash giveaway promotion to celebrate the beginning of 2014 with some free cash.

You ate everything on offer - chowed it all down in fact, necked all the champagne, and if this led to you spending all your cash as well, don’t worry: ComeOn! Casino is itching to give you a fresh start for this New Year with a 250 cash pool promotion for 5 lucky punters. Here’s how:

  • Sign in to your ComeOn! Account and click on the ComeOn! Shop.
  • Check their Ultimate Start! lottery and buy a raffle ticket worth 500 COp’s (you can buy as many tickets as you want).

The lottery will end on 3 January, 2014, when ComeOn! will give away 250 split between 5 lucky punters ( 50 each).