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Tips on playing online Bingo

Online bingo is the internet version of the traditional game that is played using cards. Instead of a caller, websites use random number generators for it. Most sites offer chat [...]

Real money Bingo apps

Tips to Remember While Downloading Gambling sites have now taken a leap into the world of mobile gaming. The sites have developed applications that can be used on a cellphone for [...]

Why You Should Play Bingo Online

The online version of bingo has attracted a lot of players. The reason why many players opt for the online version is because there are many advantages of playing it [...]

History of Bingo

Bingo is one of the most popular games at both, land-based and online casinos. Many opt for it as it is a game of pure luck and does not require [...]

Bingo Rules

Bingo, a game of luck, is one of the most played games, as it does not require players to use strategies to enhance their chances of winning. In accordance with [...]
Bingo has been around for a long time and is one of the popular casino games outside the traditional range today. Its history goes back to the Italian 1500s, from where it moved on to France in the 1700s. It reached the US in 1929 and first became popular as a Sunday church game. It spread very quickly and is one of the most popular lottery games today. On our way through the net every day we keep our eyes open and look for news, nice places to play it online and bonuses and offers you might be interested in. So make sure you check back with us for the latest on bingo!

For its numbers, the online version of the game uses a random number generator. The first game was launched in 1996, designed to collect demographic data to be used for advertising later on. As part of online gambling sites, bingo often includes more social functions than other games. Chat rooms are very common, and players stay connected throughout a game. Jackpots are sometimes tied into whole networks, which play with the same numbers as well. This is interesting because jackpots can be pooled this way, the winning sums become bigger, and the game becomes more interesting.

Lately mobile bingo has become popular as well. Basically a variant of the online game played on mobile devices like smartphones and tablet computers, they've been on a steady rise since 2011. They're a challenge for developers because it's difficult to integrate the game and its social options into a platform that still looks good on small screens.

There are several versions of the game. New ones keep appearing, as today's technology allows lots of different designs and aspects of game play. The number of participants varies, the themes vary, and the jackpots come in all kinds of forms. There's a huge load of information available online that we review regularly, so if you're interested in changes and updates on the world of online gaming, give our newsletter a shot.

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