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Real money Keno apps

What You Should Know about Real Money Keno Apps Gambling is no longer restricted to just land based betting houses. First the casinos entered the world of internet by developing online [...]

Real money Gin Rummy apps

What You Should Consider Before Downloading an App It is one of the most-played card games at gambling sites. For players who are constantly on the move, the sites have launched [...]

Why You Should Play Bingo Online

The online version of bingo has attracted a lot of players. The reason why many players opt for the online version is because there are many advantages of playing it [...]

Why You Should Play Keno Online

Keno has always been a fast paced bingo or lottery type of game. Players expect the game to be just as fast paced when it is played online. This is [...]

Why You Should Play Gin Rummy Online

With the introduction of gin rummy online, the convenience of playing the game has increased and a lot of people are opting to play it. There are other benefits playing [...]

History of Bingo

Bingo is one of the most popular games at both, land-based and online casinos. Many opt for it as it is a game of pure luck and does not require [...]

History of Keno

Keno is a game based on lotteries. Although the name has its roots in French or Latin, the gambling game was conceived in China more than 2000 years ago by [...]

History of Gin Rummy

Gin Rummy is a card game played for over a century across the world. The game follows the ‘draw and discard’ format of standard rummy card games. Today, it is [...]

Bingo Rules

Bingo, a game of luck, is one of the most played games, as it does not require players to use strategies to enhance their chances of winning. In accordance with [...]

Keno Rules

Keno rules are similar to bingo and lottery; in each game, you get to choose the numbers you want to play, as long as it is within the limits set [...]
This section is reserved for the games that aren't part of the traditional card/table games selection. Some of them were created as machine games, such as video poker, others were introduced in digital form later, like backgammon. They've become popular as part of the online casino world nonetheless, and for those headed straight for this section, we try to find the best of what's available for players online. Have a look, and if you like what you see, why not subscribe to our newsletter? We update our listings regularly.

The most common games in this section are video poker, backgammon, keno and gin rummy. Video poker is a derivative of five-card draw poker and is played on computerized consoles. They work much like slot machines: Players make coin or credit ticket bets and then get dealt cards by the computer. Some machines offer progressive jackpots, which is nice because they reload a lot quicker. Gin rummy, often simply called gin, is another card game. It's based on 19th century whiskey poker and played with a standard 52-card deck.

Keno comes with a nice bit of history. This lottery-type game of chance is said to have saved an ancient Chinese city from destruction once. The city was under siege, and its leader needed money, but was afraid he'd enrage his people with new taxes. He invented a game similar to a lottery and based on a poem that was used to teach children Chinese characters. The game proved so popular that he could raise all the money he needed to break the siege, and it was played for millennial afterwards.

Backgammon is one of the oldest board games. It's popular in the East more than the West, which might explain why it isn't among the main and most popular casino games. The first major backgammon tournament in gambling took place in Las Vegas in 1967, it's been played using software since the 1970s, and today it's a nice addition to other online games.

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