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Jackpot slots news

Win 100 free spins on Mega Fortune

ComeOn casino is urging players to spin the reels of a slot game called Galacticons. In return, they offer free spins on Mega Fortune, (more…) [...]

Second biggest jackpot in history

On Friday the 23rd, a 40 year old Finnish man from Helsinki struck gold when he took down the €8,636,041 Arabian Nights jackpot at Paf online casino. (more…) [...]

The Jackpot Adventure

Mega Fortune jackpot has risen to an amazing €9,650,000 by now, and the people at Betsafe want to make sure that this fortune is won by one of their players. [...]

Marvel slots 101 full guide

The increasing popularity of Marvel characters has paved the way from comic books to 3D movies and, more recently, to the slots world, which has increased their popularity rapidly among [...]

Mega Fortune jackpot at €10.2 Million

To increase your chances of winning the biggest online jackpot out there Betsson has launched a promotion that will give you (more…) [...]

Casino La Vida hat trick

Three different players have recently enjoyed winning nice progressive jackpots on three different games (more…) [...]

ComeOn – time to harvest some jackpots

We have noticed that the current jackpots at ComeOn are really building up. Jackpot hunters should pay them a visit, since there are 4 different games with a jackpot of [...]

Mega Fortune breaks the €8,000,000 barrier

Mega Fortune jackpot reached €8,000,000 today and it keeps on growing at a record pace, as more and more jackpot hunters join the race. (more…) [...]

Amazing jackpot at Paf

The current jackpot on Arabian Nights at the Paf casino is getting close to €8.5 million! This is currently the world’s largest online casino jackpot and it is burning hot. [...]

Betsafe weekly 75 free spins

The biggest online jackpot at Betsafe is the Mega Fortune jackpot, which has reached over €7.2 million by now. To give you a better shot at this amazing jackpot, they [...]
How long until somebody hits the jackpot? That's what people were asking themselves when Mega Moolah went past €6m not too long ago. No comparable game makes comparable wins possible, and hardly any other kind of game is as popular as the progressive jackpot. There's a very simple reason: These games are part of a huge system that's played by hundreds of thousands of people every day, and every real-money wager placed on a progressive adds to the winning sum.

Usually sites feature anywhere from a few to up to about 20 of them, still a relatively small percentage compared with often hundreds of slots offered by a single online casino. Anything else would go against the general idea here: The more people play a single progressive game, the more attractive it gets to others. This section's where we introduce and review the best.

Although popular, a progressive jackpot is still as hard to win as any slot. Usually, the only combination that triggers the jackpot is the one with the highest payoff. The amount of every bet that goes into the jackpot could for example be 1% at a house advantage of 5%. That means that the house (the casino) is happy to contribute a fifth of their profits to the winning sum. They do that because the progressives drive visitor numbers. A fast-growing game that always comes with a nice total win attracts a lot of players.

Another point is that once the progressive is won, a percentage of it stays in the pot and makes the basis of the jackpot of the next round. This is called reseeding. The idea is to make the jackpot immediately attractive to players again and start off the next round as quickly and smoothly as possible. As soon as the popularity of the game grows again, so does the winning sum. One factor drives the other, the jackpot increases until it's won, and the circle begins again.

Progressive jackpots have been around for quite a while now and are still exceedingly popular. Some of the greats include the mentioned Mega Moolah and other similar games, like Mega Fortune, Mega Joker and many others.

Free spins

  • LeoJackpot 250Free spins
  • Thrills 50Free spins
  • SuperLenny 150Free spins
  • Tivoli Casino 100Free spins
  • Comeon 20Free spins
  • See all  »



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