With the release of the latest installment in the X-Men film franchise, we’ve been catching up on our favorite superhero back stories through the X-Men slot at Winner, and so can you!
By logging on to Winner and opening your account today, you will be able to triple your first deposit up to £450, with a bonus of £300 on an initial deposit of £150. There are even bigger deposit bonuses for larger deposits! And with a range of payment options the length of your arm, you’ll be spinning the reels sooner than you can say “Winner!”
Try out their wide range of superhero-themed slots from PlayTech, including the classic X-Men slot. This game features all your favorite characters from the film, including Wolverine, Mystique, Professor X, and Storm, and with 50 paylines, you’ve got a good chance of coming out on top and beating the odds on this slot at Winner Casino!
So if you want to relive the brilliance of the X-Men, and get a great Welcome Bonus of up to £300 in the bargain, log on to Winner now, open your account, and start playing on this or one of the other great games on offer at Winner!