Keno rules are similar to bingo and lottery; in each game, you get to choose the numbers you want to play, as long as it is within the limits set by the casino. For instance, a casino may allow you to play a maximum of twenty numbers. In case you want to play half that, you will have to inform the casino about it.
Playing the maximum numbers allowed in the game will give you the chance to win the jackpot. If you play fewer numbers, you will win small. Remember, the payout schedules for Keno games differ at each casino. For example, while a few allow you to get back your wagering amount if you win, others may permit you to take back the sum even if you don’t land the winning combination. The latter is a special payout. To find out what a casino pays, you should check the payout schedule for its games before you start playing.
You will have to purchase a ticket with which you will have to play. It will have two blocks each containing forty numbers. The top block will have the first forty numbers and the bottom block, the last forty. You will have to choose the numbers you want to play. Once you do this, you will have to mark the numbers on the tickets. Â At the top corner of the ticket will be a field where you will have to mention the amount you want to bet for each game. You will also have to indicate the number of games you want to enter with the ticket. The total wager for the ticket will be the number of games multiplied by the wager for each ticket. For example, if you want to play four games and wager a dollar on each, the total bet you will have to make throughout the game will be $4. Â The top of the ticket will also have a field where you have to mention the number of spots you want to play. Spots are blocks on the ticket, with numbers in them. A few casinos give you the option to also play number combinations and special rates.
Getting a catch
If you match a number on the ticket, it is called a catch. Each casino will have its own rules on how many catches are required to win money. Typically, the number of catches you have to get is directly proportional to the number of spots you play. For instance, if you indicate that you want to play ten spots, you may have to get five catches to win, whereas in a game where you wager on six spots, you may have to land three catches. Â The outcomes are based on luck, as the winning numbers are called randomly. Players are not required to have game skills to win. All they have to do is decide which numbers to play and how much to wager. The odds of any number showing up in the outcome are equal at 79:1. Â This means that you can select the numbers you want to play, based on your preferences. Some of the selection criteria players use are - pairs like 4-5 and numbers that showed up in the previous game.